When will my order ship?

All orders will ship within 3-8 business days from the order date. 

Can I cancel my order?

An order must be canceled within 48 hours of an order being placed. 

Can I return an item?

All items *MUST NOT* be worn or used, *MUST BE IN NEW* condition and in its original packaging in order to return an item and receive a full refund. 

Can I exchange an item? 

All items *MUST NOT* be worn or used, *MUST BE IN NEW* condition and in its original packaging in order to exchange an item. 

How do I find the right size?

All sizing information is included in each product description.

Where is my tracking number? 

All orders will be shipped within 3-8 business days from the order date. If you have not received a tracking number within 3-8 business days please email customer service at info@shopimgapparel.com with your name and order #.

What if I entered the wrong mailing address?

If a mailing address has been entered incorrectly your order will be canceled. 

Why haven't I received my package?

Once you have received your tracking number and your order has shipped, IMG Apparel is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages. If you believe that your package has been lost or stolen it is the customers responsibility to file a claim with the shipping carrier because the package is in the shipping carriers possession after the customer has received their tracking number and once the customer's order has been shipped. There may be shipping delays, which is beyond IMG Apparel’s control.

What are your customer service hours and how do I contact you?

Customer Service Hours are M-F 8 AM - 5 PM EST. For all customer service inquiries please email info@shopimgapparel.com. All inquiries will receive a response within 24-48 business hours